Day 23 – Weight Loss & Computers
Going on a health or weight loss journey can be a lot like owning a computer. Are you wondering what the connection is?
Let me ask: How many of you have run into computer glitches that either lost some of your work or changed things in a way you didn’t perceive or want? This is so common that it might be better to ask if anyone out there has NOT had that happen. Most likely all of you have experienced this at one time or another.
Often your computer issues are completely out of your control; such as when you get hacked or your computer crashes for unknown reasons.
So here’s the message. Life happens. It sends us curve balls; sometimes we goof up, and sometimes things happen that we have no control over. What’s most important isn’t “the mistake or problem” but what you do with it afterwards!
Perhaps you decide to start a new healthier eating program. It goes well for a few weeks and then you “lose” it. You’re invited over to friends and just can’t resist the smorgasbord of treats that are out for everyone to enjoy. You overindulge and feel lousy the next day.
Or you have a very stressful day and have little time to eat through the day and what you do grab is quick and easy but not healthy. By the end of the day, you are starving and spend the evening emptying out your fridge and cupboards.
Now, it’s what you do next that REALLY counts. You can, as many do, beat yourself up; telling yourself that you always mess up. Even worse, you can give up and go back to your old unhealthy eating habits, saying “what’s the use anyways”.
OR you can choose to give yourself a break! Recognize that, yes, you ate too much junk food, but yes, you also had a very fun time. Instead of beating yourself up, figure out ways to plan ahead for next time, so that you can still have a great time but also have a strategy in place so you don’t eat so much you feel lousy the next day. Most importantly, move on and move forward, returning to the healthy diet you committed to in the first place. This is the one of the key differences between those who succeed in their commitments and those who don’t. The “succeeders” know how to get up again when they fall.
It can take time and patience to sort out computer problems. You need to look into what caused it, fix the problem, and move on. I recommend you do the same in your journey to a fit and healthy body.
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying "I will try again tomorrow." Mary Anne Radmacher
- Don't beat yourself up when you "mess up".
- Keep drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water every day.
- Don't forget to take your supplements.
- Stay active EVERY day, not just the days you have planned activity.
- Remember to journal your successes and challenges.