Day 15 – How to Eat Out





Eating out can seem daunting to those trying to maintain a healthy diet but this fear is often misplaced. When handled correctly, eating out can be an enjoyable experience and a lovely indulgence without the guilt afterwards.



Here's some tips for the next time you eat out:  


  1. When possible, choose restaurants that serve healthy choices; organic if possible. A high quality restaurant will most likely serve smaller portions so you are less likely to walk away overstuffed.
  2. Base your meal around the protein you want and use your common sense. To avoid setting off your carb cravings, pass on the bread. Ask for a serving of double "veggies" instead of the starch (potatoes, rice etc.)
  3. Remember to eat until your hunger scale is around 7 and then stop.
  4. Ask for a "doggie" bag at the beginning of the meal. Portion out how much you think you should eat and put the rest away right away to be enjoyed the next day.  
  5. Almost everyone has times when they end up eating in a fast food restaurant. As much as possible, choose healthier options. Keep up your good habits and be aware of what you are putting into your body. If you have the option, enjoy a Nutrimeal shake instead. 
  6. Eat slowly. You are much more inclined to eat less when you eat at a slower pace. 
  7. Enjoy yourself and celebrate the occasion! 

A FRIEND wanted me to enroll in an aerobics class. "No. Absolutely not!" I exclaimed. "I tried that once."  "What happened?" she asked, looking puzzled.  "I twisted, hopped, jumped, stretched and pulled," I replied. "And by the time I got those darn leotards on, the class was over!" ~Unknown


  1. Follow the guidelines above for eating out.
  2. Remember to avoid starches such as bread, potatoes, rice and corn.
  3. Stop when you are full and doggie bag your extras.
  4. Keep drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water every day.
  5. Remember to stay active and walk as much and as far as possible every day.
  6. Don't forget to take your supplements as recommended.
  7. Check in with your USANA associate and let them know how you are doing.