10 Foods That Help You Burn Fat

  1. BerriesGreen Tea:  Green tea contains catechins, a phytochemical that may speed up metabolism.
  2. Greek yogurt:  This yogurt has twice the protein of other yogurts causing it to stay longer in the stomach and keep you feeling fuller longer
  3. Hot peppers:  We tend to eat less when food is spicy.  Also, capsaicin found in hot peppers may speed up metabolism and decrease appetite.
  4. Cinnamon:  Cinnamon helps stabilize the blood sugar thereby curbing appetite.
  5. Salad:  When eaten at the start of a meal, it fills you up so you eat less of other foods.  Just be cautious of the dressing you choose.
  6. Berries:  Berries are high in water and fiber so they keep you feeling fuller longer.  They also satisfy a sweet tooth with minimal calories.
  7. Sweet potato:  Sweet potatoes are loaded with flavor so they don’t need extra toppings and they don’t spike your blood sugar like a regular potato.
  8. Quinoa:  High in protein and nutrients it is an excellent substitute for rice.  Cook it in chicken broth or add veggies or nuts for extra flavor.
  9. Soup:  Soup fills you up with few calories.  Choose broth soups over a cream based soup.
  10. Nuts:  An excellent way to curb appetite between meals.  They’ve been shown to promote weight loss and help control cholesterol levels.  Just watch the quantity.